Douglas' Story
Douglas came to our attention after he was found in the middle of a Santa Maria street, unable to walk, by a compassionate Good Samaritan. The presence of a harness gave us hope that his family might be searching for him, but sadly, our optimism was unfounded. Fortunately, the Good Samaritan promptly transported Douglas to PETS ER, where he received pain relief, and a call was made to Animal Services following an initial examination. Douglas had sustained abrasions and road rash, but the most pressing concern was his inability to bear weight on his hind right limb, accompanied by significant swelling. After stabilizing and ensuring Douglas’ comfort, the veterinary team conducted radiographs, revealing a significant fracture. The ER promptly sent these images to their surgeon for treatment recommendations. The surgeon recommended surgery for the best long-term prognosis and generously agreed to perform the procedure on the evening of the 4th of July. Douglas faced an extended journey to recovery, with a minimum of 8 weeks of recovery and cage rest. Once the surgeon determined that the bone was healed, Douglas had another surgery to remove the external fixator. Douglass is now fully recovered living his best life with his forever family.